Speak Justice Take Action (SJTA) program is led on the principle that civic engagement combined with community mobilization is vital to making and sustaining lasting change in our communities. The SJTA program includes informing our base and legislators of key reproductive justice issues in order to transform power and shift policy priorities. We engage our constituency in action-oriented political mobilization, online activism, organizing, research, advocacy, and political education.
The SJTA Program includes our SPARK Organizing Intensive (SOI), Legislate THIS!, and Georgia Legislative Black Caucus Hearings.

Since 2007, the SJTA program has made significant strides in social change efforts:
- Led a broad-based grassroots organizing initiative to raise awareness and pass anti-shackling legislation, “The Giving Birth with Dignity and in Safety” Act that culminated in a hearing with the Georgia Legislative Black Caucus. This popular initiative resulted in the pivotal text “Giving Birth Behind Bars: A Guide for Achieving Reproductive Justice for Incarcerated Women” with more than 1900 downloads and 70 hard copies distributed to community partners and Georgia legislators.
- Hosted 9 annual lobby days “Legislate THIS!” bringing over 500 community members to the Georgia Capitol to advocate for sound reproductive health policy.
- Hosted 9 Twitter Chats, partnered with over 15 organizations and 30 independent twitter followers, on issues such as Medicaid expansion, sexual health, reproductive justice, and popular culture with more than 500,000 impressions to date.
To learn more about the Georgia Legislative Black Caucus Hearings, Legislate THIS! or the SOI Advocacy Training leading up to it, email us at info@sparkrj.org!