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Trans* Leadership Initiative

Trans* Leadership Initiative (TLI) is a grassroots mobilizing and base building effort to engage Trans* young people of color (TYPOC) to become leaders in their community, to build connections, create trans-positive policy/legislation and health-specific programming that speaks to the issues of our communities, and to engage participants in advocacy and education efforts.

Our Trans* Leadership Initiative (TLI) allows us to train QTYPOC to enage the media, elected officials, and grassroots constituency on solutions that advance policies and shift the cultural narrative stigma and targeting of QTYPOC.

This initiative is led on the principle that civic engagement combined with community mobilization is vital to making and sustaining lasting change in our communities. Additionally, this initiative informs our base and legislators of key reproductive justice issues in order to “Trans*-form” power and shift policy priorities. Most importantly, this will be an intentional, stigma free, and social space for QTYPOC to share personal stories and build relationships with each other.

TLI aims to create a model for community members to take action for Trans* rights through intentional workshops, training, and communal gatherings. TLI’s vision is to build a community where everyone is free to be their whole-self in every aspect of their lives.

To learn more about TLI and how you can be involved please email us at!

LITE Fellowship

The SPARK LITE (Leading Initiatives for Trans Equity) Fellowship occurs annually, from September – November.

This fellowship is specifically an entry point for passionate young (18-35) Black individuals who are Trans or don’t exist within the binary in the state of Georgia to engage in organizing and advocacy work.

Fellows are compensated for their time and dedication. Since 2021, fellows have left with skills that will allow them to advocate and culturally organize around Trans reproductive healthcare and work toward Black Trans liberation.


The Essentials: Atlanta Trans Resource Guide was co-created by the 2022 LITE Fellows and SPARK Staff. To view the guide, please CLICK HERE.

Power In A Name

The Power in a Name Project is a long-term organizing and advocacy campaign to affirm and uplift Trans and Non-binary folks in the state of Georgia.

This project will assist Trans and Non-binary folks in navigating the often lengthy name and gender marker change process by providing the resources necessary to make the current processes easier.